Graphic Only - SEG Non-Backlit Popup
SEG Non-Backlit Popup Features:
- Silicone beading sewn around the perimeter of the graphic provides a clean look once installed
- Printed on Non-Backlit Fabric
- Sets up in 30-40 mins for 1 person
- Reliable
- Affordable
- Portable
This display is a perfect combination of the innovative silicone-edge graphics system with the classic easy-to-setup popup frame. It is an excellent option for those looking for an easy cost-effective backlit display.
Product Specification:
- Production Time:
- Lead Time: 8 – 10 Business Days
- Rush Services:
- please refer to the specific product page
- 5 Business Days
- 3 Business Days
- 2 Business Days
- Next Business Day
- Same Day – Upon request
- please refer to the specific product page