Custom Labels

Custom Labels

  • $44.00
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The 12x18 sheet labels offer a versatile and spacious canvas for various applications. With 12 inches by 18 inches, these labels are larger than standard sizes, accommodating ample information, graphics, or branding. Whether used for product labelling, promotional materials, or organizational needs, the expansive size allows for clear visibility and impactful communication. Suitable for both business and creative endeavours, these labels are compatible with digital or offset printing, ensuring high-quality results. The 12x18 sheet labels provide a broad palette for creativity, making them an ideal choice for projects where a larger, attention-grabbing label is essential.

Artwork Setup:

  • 11" x 17" artboard, CMYK, 300 dpi
  • Total 2 files required:
    • Print File - PDF / TIFF
    • Cut File - PDF

The table below shows the total number of 12" x 18" sheets you will receive based on the selected size and quantity.

  1.5" x 15" 2" x 2" 2.5" x 2.5" 3" x 3" 3.5" x 3.5" 4" x 4"
100 2 3 5 7 9 13
200 4 5 9 14 17 25
300 5 8 13 20 25 38
400 7 10 17 27 34 50
500 9 13 21 34 42 63
600 10 15 25 40 50 75
700 12 18 30 47 59 88
800 14 20 34 54 67 100
900 15 23 38 60 75 113
1000 17 25 42 67 84 125
1500 25 38 63 100 125 188
2000 34 50 84 134 167 250

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